Access To <span>Finance</span> <br>							& Trade

Access To Finance
& Trade

Access to finance and markets play crucial roles in shaping the agri-food system in Africa. The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) could boost regional trade and reduce the continent’s trade deficit, yet most farmers, women and youth are still faced with challenges of inadequate infrastructure, and lack of access to modern technologies and funding. We believe that adequate access to finance and improved intra-Africa trade together can dramatically contribute to food security. Development partners, financial institutions, agri-businesses, governments, and civil society organizations should:
Advocate for adherence to the Malabo declaration to increase budgetary funds allocation to agriculture, infrastructure, and value chain development. Promote equitable financial inclusion through Public-Private Partnerships for tailored climate resilient financial packages, such as de-risking agriculture, favourable insurance products, and microfinance models to support women, and youth agri-businesses. Invest in improved market and trade data to enable value chain integration and youth access to premium markets.
Government and private sector investors should collaborate to establish trade houses across the continent that will promote local agricultural products and create market linkages within the continent.
Increase global supply of bilateral and multilateral funding to support African governments in financing their climate responses.
Through partnerships, collaborations, and commitment by all stakeholders identified, Africa’s rapidly growing youth population can realize its potential to secure its food supply, create decent jobs, create sustainable livelihoods, and boost inclusive economic growth. The young people of Africa will continue to be agents of change and inspire our fellow peers to be engaged in agri-food systems. The time is NOW to listen to our voice and embrace the power of African youth. Extracted from the Africa Food Systems Forum 2023, September 2023
