Investments on Land use
17 Sep

Investments on Land use

Due to massive production of cashew nut in Tanzania there has always been shortage of storage facility. TCG Plc plans to build Storage warehouses at various Areas where TCGA members are producing raw Cashewnuts to reduce high cost occured on storage facilities.
It is a legal requirement in the cashew value chain to store cashewnut in authorized storage facility. The buildings therefore have the following benefits;
1.Farmers will store their cashew nut as recommended by Tanzania Cashew Board and therefore avoid losses which generate from improper storageof cashew nut.
2.Reduced haulage cost from the farm to the collection center.
3.Source of income to TCG Plc.

Tags: Donor, Land Use, Agriculture


Location: P.o Box 65241 Dar es salaam-TZ
Bagamoyo Road Victoria, Dsm, Plot No. 88,Block 45, House No. 3