Capacity Building <span>&</span> <br>							Skills Developments

Capacity Building &
Skills Developments

From our collective experience, young people, parents, and educators are often skeptical toward work in agriculture. It is associated with poverty and considered as a sector with limited opportunity for growth. Africa’s current education systems require reform to shift mindsets and equip young people with the knowledge and skillset to realize their potential in the sector. African governments, academics, researchers, and private sector actors should:
Implement education reforms from the primary to tertiary levels, with a curriculum focused on a combination of indigenous pedagogy, climate action, and inclusive practices. Develop inclusive Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs that equip students with industry-relevant skills for employment and economic participation in agri-food systems.
Foster entrepreneurial ecosystems (i.e. agribusiness hubs) to bridge education, research, and industry, offering mentorship, funding, and market access to women and youth startups focused on sustainable agri-solutions.
